bird cloud

Profile No. 12
Composer, Dj, Painter
color-music - Mobile Director
Real name : Takehiro Toriumi. It returns to the origin though it is born in the farm area, and the body and start the death soul manage to part a little at the drop of a hat at the age of eight. Musician of nature sect who is watched in the earth while listening to baby-sitter song of getting warm trees and small bird in the sun and grew up. Pleasure and impression are felt in "Creation", and weirdy straw and the character have been embodied as a transparent feeling of music with the child who makes eyes sparkle as for the posture. The meaning "Extension of infinity" is put in "Bird cloud" that is the artist name.
Biography (日本語)
本名 : 鳥海 健泰。農村地帯に生まれ、8歳の頃にちょっとしたことで死にかけ肉体と魂が少し離れるが、なんとか元に戻る。太陽の温もり木々や小鳥の子守唄を聴きながら大地に見守られ育った自然派音楽家。「創作」することに喜びと感動を感じ、その姿勢は目を輝かせる子供と変わらず、その性質は音楽の透明感として体現されている。アーティスト名である"bird cloud"には「無限の広がり」という意味も込められている。
Artwork : color-music
Release : wasabeat
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