DJ ist

Profile No. 53
Composer, Dj
He debuted as an Underground Hip Hop DJ in 2000. Since then, he experienced many different music such as Jazz, Breakbeats, House, Electronica, Dub and Techno. Now, he mainly plays Tech House.
He established a DJ group called ‘FULLFAITH’ in 2003, and another creative group called ‘UNITE’ in 2005, which concept was sending and receiving of five senses. He belongs to a music label called ‘color-music’ at the moment, and he participates in the track making. He has joined numbers of music events and played with many artists from different countries. He works vigorously even now, and it will be the 10th year anniversary since he became a DJ. Recently, he played at the ‘TOOL ROOM NIGHT @ WAREHOUSE702’ and the ‘BLUE WINDY NIGHT@ageHa’, organized by an old-established label. His DJ style was formed by absorbing music from different genres. The style creates his unique world, and his powerful play gets deeper as the time tics. This unique DJ style draws audiences into his world. The play which covers the whole floor with its energy appears as worthy of freeing five senses.
Biography (日本語)
2000年にUnderground Hip Hop DJとしてデビューし、以来JAZZ、BREAKBEATS、HOUSE、ELECTRONICA、DUB、TECHNOなど、様々な音楽を吸収し、現在はTECH HOUSEを軸にプレイ。2003年にDJ集団「FULLFAITH」、2005年五感、発信⇔受信をコンセプトにしたクリエイト集団「UNITE」を設立。また、現在は音楽レーベルcolor-musicにも所属し、トラックメイキングにも携わっている。今まで数多くのイベントに参加し、国内外の名だたるアーティストとも競演を果たす。そして現在も精力的に活動し、今年DJ活動開始から10周年を迎える。 最近では、英国老舗レーベル主催TOOL ROOM NIGHT@WAREHOUSE702、BLUE WINDY NIGHT@ageHaのビッグパーティーにてプレイ。ジャンルの垣根を超え音を吸収した体から生み出されたDJスタイルは、他に類を見ない独自の世界を創り上げ、力強いプレイは刻一刻と色を変え深みを増し、オーディエンスを聴くほどにその世界へと引き込む。フロアごと包み込むその様は正に五感すべてを解放するにふさわしいエネルギーに満ちている。
Release : wasabeat
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