
Profile No. 14
Composer, Dj
Companion who has trouble are the commuting work places for the working pleasure. One of the big wishes of companions is "Pay in which it can live by becoming independent in the region. " though it works on various work, and social participation is accomplished. A man who had the gun and the grenade took away the hostage in the post office of U.S. Virginia state Wizz Building on the afternoon (morning of the 24th in Japan standard time) of the 23rd and oneself was barricaded in the bureau. About eight and a half hours later, a man had the policeman caught the person. The ape in [atarouyo] Inuyama hits or is open-air fire and a roast sweet potato. Fire is a routine occurrence that continues for 50 years. The severe cold overcame the Tokai region over this past weekend and it snowed this year. Welcome to the world of the horse and the house nail. man all matters Housnail
Biography (日本語)
障がいのある仲間たちが働く喜びを求めて通う作業所。さまざまな仕事に取り組んで、社会参加を果たしているが、仲間たちの大きな願いの1つは「地域で自立して生活できる賃金」だ。米バージニア州ウィズビルの郵便局で23日午後(日本時間24日午前)、銃や手りゅう弾を持った男が人質をとって局内に立てこもった。男は約8時間半後、警官に身柄を取り押さえられた。あたろうか、あたろうよ 犬山のサルも焚き火で焼き芋。たき火は50年続く恒例行事。今年は、先週末に東海地方を厳しい寒気が襲い雪が降った。人間万事塞翁が馬、ハウスネイルの世界へようこそ。
Release : color-music
Release : wasabeat
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