
Rinko takes photo, and Junpey Yokoyama edits it.
This is a unit of graphic art which is formed by Atsushi Kaburagi and junpei Yokoyama.
Linco takes photography, and junpex edits them.
They are making musics, playing disks, taking photos, and drawing graphics. So,they started this unit in june of 2012.
This is a project which is looking for the least common denominator and the difference among a holy place and a corporal and mental pleasure:D
Atsushi Kaburagi(Linco)
Junpey Yokoyama(Junpex)
Biography (日本語)
鏑木淳の写真をJunpei Yokoyamaがエディットして行く、グラフィックユニット。
両者とも楽曲制作やDJ活動をしつつ、グラフィック作品や写真の制作を共通項に持っていたことから、ユニットを結成。2012年6月活動開始。 コンセプトは、「聖地と快楽の共通項と相違を探す」。